
TailwindCSS is installed by default with the typography, DaisyUI and prettier plugins.


  • TailwindCSS is a utility-first CSS framework. It is very useful to quickly style your website.
  • Check the TailwindCSS documentation for more information.


  • DaisyUI is a TailwindCSS component library and is very useful to quickly build a website.
  • Check the DaisyUI documentation for more information.

Themes (with DaisyUI)

By default, the light and dark theme of DaisyUI are included.

  • You can add themes in tailwind.config.js.
  • Please check on how to add and create custom themes.
  • When the default theme is selected, the theme will adhere to the system theme (dark or light).

How it works

DaisyUI 4.0 introduced a new component called ThemeController to switch between themes with only CSS. However, using only the built in ThemeController component would not persist the selected theme on page reload.

Therefore we added some extra code and created a custom ThemeController component that involves saving the theme in a cookie and writable store.

In the root +layout.svelte there is a hidden checkbox that is always checked. This checkbox is used to select a theme using the $themeStore store.

The $themeStore is a writable store that is used to store the current theme. This store in itself won’t persist the theme on page reload. Check the custom ThemeController component on how to do this.

+layout.svelte (root)
<script lang="ts">
    // ...

    // Set theme from page data, which gets value from cookie (see root +layout.server.ts)
	$themeStore = $;

    // ...

<input type="checkbox" name="theme" class="theme-controller hidden" checked value={$themeStore} />

On a page load (in the root +layout.server.ts), the theme is set based on a cookie with name ‘theme’ or defaults to 'default' (system theme).

+layout.server.ts (root)
export const load = async ({ locals: { getSession }, cookies}) => {
	// Get the theme from the cookie, or default to 'default'
	const theme = cookies.get('theme') || 'default';
	return {
		session: await getSession(),