Setting up a product for subscriptions in Stripe

To create a subscription for a user, you need to create a product and a price object in Stripe. Make sure the price object is set to Recurring.

Also make sure to create separate products for each plan you want to offer. For example, if you want to offer a Basic and Pro plan, you should create two products in Stripe, one for each plan.

You can create a product and price in the Stripe dashboard, or using the Stripe API.

Please also follow the docs on Stripe for more information on how to set up a subscription.

Creating a checkout session

Once you have a product and price, you can create a checkout session. A checkout session represents your customer’s payment session.

This is where you can set the price object, tax, customer, and more.

By default, the boilerplate uses the new embedded UI mode. This means that the checkout will be displayed in an iframe on your site, instead of redirecting the customer to Stripe.

Please see the Stripe checkout docs for more information about the embedded UI mode.

export const load = async ({ locals }) => {
    // Get customer details

	const checkoutSesion = await stripe.checkout.sessions.create({
        // Use new embedded UI mode
		ui_mode: 'embedded',

        // Add your price object(s)
		line_items: [
				price: 'price_YOURPRICEID', // Replace with the ID of your price object
				quantity: 1
		mode: 'payment',
		return_url: `${ORIGIN}/checkout/return?session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}`,

        // Adjust these settings below to your needs
		automatic_tax: { enabled: true },
        allow_promotion_codes: true,
        invoice_creation: { enabled: true },
        tax_id_collection: { enabled: true },
        automatic_tax: { enabled: true },

        // Add customer id if exists, otherwise prefill email (and auto create customer)
        ...(customerId ? { customer: customerId } : {}),
        ...(customerEmail && !customerId ? { customer_email: customerEmail } : {})

    // Return the client secret to the client
    return { clientSecret: checkoutSesion.client_secret };

Add your price obejct id as a variable in your .env file, and use it in your code. This way you can easily change the price object id and test with different prices and environments.

View the pages and load functions in (app)/account/checkout/ and (app)/account/return/ for an example of how to the checkout on the client and handle the return.

Giving access to the customer

After the customer completes the payment, Stripe sends a checkout.session.completed and a invoice.created event to your webhook endpoint. You can use this event to fulfill the customer’s order.

Make sure your webhooks are setup correctly in Stripe, and that you have added your webhook secret to your .env file. By default, the boilerplate will listen for webhooks on the api/webhooks/stripe endpoint.

How you handle giving access to a customer is up to you and very much depends on your product and business model.

A simple method can be to add a column plan to the users or profiles table, and set it to pro or basic based on the subscription details when the webhook is received.

Then you can check if the user has access to your product, or certain pages within the app, by checking the plan column.

E.g. if the plan column is set to pro, the user has access to the pro features. And if its empty the user has no access.

You can, for example, check for these values in hooks.server.ts and redirect users to the correct page based on their plan in the Authorization function.

Make sure you add this column to the user or profile table in your database.

api/webhooks/stripe/+server.ts (example)
// ...
case 'checkout.session.completed': {
    const checkoutSession =;
    // Example with Drizzle ORM, update the user's hasAccess column based on the customer email or stripe customer id
    await db
        .set({ plan: 'pro' })
                eq(, checkoutSession.customer_email ?? ''),
                eq(users.stripeCustomerId, checkoutSession.customer?.toString() ?? '')
// ...

Other webhooks

Read Stripe webhooks to see all the events you can listen for and how this can be used to handle subscriptions.

You can also listen for other events, such as invoice.created and invoice.paid to handle the customer’s subscription.

For example, you can listen for the invoice.paid event to update the user’s plan column to pro when the invoice is paid.

api/webhooks/stripe/+server.ts (example)
// ...
case 'invoice.paid': {
    const invoice =;
    // Example with Drizzle ORM, update the user's hasAccess column based on the customer email or stripe customer id
    await db
        .set({ plan: 'pro' })
                eq(, invoice.customer_email ?? ''),
                eq(users.stripeCustomerId, invoice.customer?.toString() ?? '')
// ...

Handling cancellations

You can also listen for the customer.subscription.deleted event to handle when a customer cancels their subscription.

api/webhooks/stripe/+server.ts (example)
// ...
case 'customer.subscription.deleted': {
    const subscription =;
    // Example with Drizzle ORM, update the user's hasAccess column based on the customer email or stripe customer id
    await db
        .set({ plan: '' })
                eq(, subscription.customer_email ?? ''),
                eq(users.stripeCustomerId, subscription.customer?.toString() ?? '')
// ...